Frequently asked questions
Are you planning to attend BáilaMe for the first time? Do you have any questions about the festival? We're here for you! We've gathered the most frequently asked questions that you send us - we hope this will clear up any doubts!
Im a beginner dancer - is this festival for me?
The festival is for everyone who dances; if you know the basics, the festival is for you! The workshop themes will be so diverse that every Bachatero will find something for themselves. Moreover, we assure you that after 4 days of dancing, your dance skills will level up!
Is accommodation included with the ticket?
We do not provide accommodation. We recommend looking for lodging around the AGH Student Town, and if you're looking for a roommate - join our Facebook group 'Bailameros!' and get in touch with others looking for accommodation.
I have a ticket but I can’t attend the event. What should I do?
Tickets are non-refundable, but it is possible to change the name on the ticket or transfer it to the next year. Please check the detailed instructions in point 3 of the festival's Rules and Regulations
Is there a dress code? What should I wear?
We don't have any specific guidelines regarding dresscode. Prioritize your comfort and convenience. During the workshops, we recommend wearing sport shoes. And if you're looking for inspiration, check out photos and videos from our previous editions on our FB and IG profile!
I can't attend the entire event. Is it possible to participate only in half of it?
On the website www.bailame.pl, we have tickets called One Day Passes, which are single-day tickets that allow participation in workshops and the party on either Saturday or Sunday.
I've never been to the festival before. What's it like?
Firstly, familiarize yourself with our event on Facebook and our website. If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to send us a message on FB/IG or via email - we'll be happy to help!